Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goals and the Gym

Well I have joined a gym/fitness center. Since I will be off of work for 7 weeks I thought this would be a great kick start to making a goal.

Our devotions this morning was titled
What Is Success? It focused on Obadiah 1:2-7 the Key verse being Obadiah 1:3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, "Who can bring me down on the ground?" The devotion suggested that we permit our energies to focus on the present and the future and not be hung up over the failures of the past. Freeing us to think positively on worthwhile goals. The Taking Action section gave points such as we could write a short statement regarding our purpose for life. Write down 2 goals for aspects of our life such as: Spiritual, professional, financial, family, home, leisure, & health. We discussed this and found that our goals are to take care of ourselves physically and also spiritually, to be good mentors to our adult children, encouraging them and being there whenever needed. Possibly starting a ministry in the future once we've conquered this hurdle ourselves.

As I said before I have joined a gym. My first day was very stressful. Not because of the gym itself or the people there. But because of my expectations of ME and how much I end up disappointing ME. For years I had been doing for others and taking care of these little people. Never really taking time out for myself. However for some odd reason I thought I was, when they would be in bed sleeping and I would collapse in front of the TV with a snack. I thought I was taking time for me when they would get on the bus for school and I would make another pot of coffee and have another muffin. Never taking into consideration that all this THEM time was taking a toll on my ME time. When ME time finally rolled around after all these years I realized that I was far behind and that a lot of work was needed to be able to enjoy life. I wouldn't trade all that THEM time for anything. I was so blessed and am still blessed to have them in my life. Nothing is more fulfilling then seeing my goals come to fruition from that half of my life. But now for the second half, what to do? I need new goals and realistic ones. I will never be a super model or be as strong as I was 30 years ago. But I can take care of myself and enjoy who I am.

The trainer reminded me that everyone working out at the gym are absorbed in their own me time. They are not focusing on anyone else but themselves. They are stingy of this time. This freed me tremendously and I am so ready for tomorrow's session.

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